Partners and Sponsors

Sponsors and Partners

We would like to thank our members, sponsors, and partners who, without their commitment, make WTTC the company it is today. You have enabled us to continue our vital work that helps the Travel & Tourism sector to continue to sustainably grow and raise the importance of the sector.

Our strategic partners

Saudi Arabia

Our knowledge partners

China Outbound Travel Research Institute (COTRI), Euromonitor, ForwardKeys, Griffith University, Australia, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Institute for Economics and Peace, Phocuswright, STR, Temple University, Transparent Intelligence, University of Surrey, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, and YouGov.

Read more about our knowledge partners

Sponsorship and partnership opportunities

Increase your company's visibility to WTTC's key audiences with our sponsorship and partnership opportunities.

Our packages are tailored to increase your company’s visibility and ensure maximum impact either all year round or via targeted campaigns including our summits and research reports.

If you would like to know more about our variety of packages, please speak to your WTTC contact.

For media partnerships, please email our press team.

If you would like to apply to become a Knowledge Partner, click here.

Note: Sponsorship opportunities are available to WTTC members only. Media/Knowledge partnerships are open to non-WTTC members.

Strategic Partners:        AMEX  Ministry of Tourism Saudi Arabia